Source code for quickstatements_client.model

"""A data model for quickstatements."""

import datetime
import webbrowser
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Type, Union
from urllib.parse import quote

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from typing_extensions import Annotated, Literal, get_args

from .language_codes import LANGUAGE_CODES

__all__ = [
    # Data model
    # Line renderers

def _safe_field(*, regex: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> Field:
        rv = Field(regex=regex, **kwargs)
    except TypeError:
        rv = Field(pattern=regex, **kwargs)
    return rv

[docs] class EntityQualifier(BaseModel): """A qualifier that points to Wikidata entity.""" type: Literal["Entity"] = "Entity" predicate: str = _safe_field(regex=r"^[PQS]\d+$") target: str = _safe_field(regex=r"^[PQS]\d+$")
[docs] def get_target(self) -> str: """Get the target wikidata identifier.""" return
[docs] class DateQualifier(BaseModel): """A qualifier that points to a date string.""" type: Literal["Date"] = "Date" predicate: str = _safe_field(regex=r"^[PQS]\d+$") target: str
[docs] def get_target(self) -> str: """Get the target date, serialized.""" return
[docs] @classmethod def start_time( cls, target: Union[str, datetime.datetime], *, precision: Optional[int] = None ) -> "DateQualifier": """Get a qualifier for a start time.""" return cls(predicate="P580", target=prepare_date(target, precision=precision))
[docs] @classmethod def end_time( cls, target: Union[str, datetime.datetime], *, precision: Optional[int] = None ) -> "DateQualifier": """Get a qualifier for an end time.""" return cls(predicate="P582", target=prepare_date(target, precision=precision))
[docs] @classmethod def retrieved( cls, namespace: Literal["P", "S"], precision: Optional[int] = 11 ) -> "DateQualifier": """Get a qualifier for retrieving data now.""" # FIXME this doesn't appear to work with higher granularity like 14 now = return cls(predicate=f"{namespace}813", target=prepare_date(now, precision=precision))
def format_date( *, precision: int, year: int, month: int = 0, day: int = 0, hour: int = 0, minute: int = 0, second: int = 0, ) -> str: """Format the date in a way appropriate for quickstatements.""" return f"+{year:04}-{month:02}-{day:02}T{hour:02}:{minute:02}:{second:02}Z/{precision}" def prepare_date(target: Union[str, datetime.datetime], *, precision: Optional[int] = None) -> str: """Prepare a date for quickstatements.""" if isinstance(target, str): return target if not isinstance(target, datetime.datetime): raise TypeError if precision is None: precision = 11 # See section on precision in if precision == 11: # day precision return format_date( precision=precision, year=target.year, month=target.month, ) elif precision == 10: # month precision return format_date(precision=precision, year=target.year, month=target.month) elif precision == 9: # year precision return format_date(precision=precision, year=target.year) elif precision == 12: # hour precision return format_date( precision=precision, year=target.year, month=target.month,, hour=target.hour, ) elif precision == 13: # minute precision return format_date( precision=precision, year=target.year, month=target.month,, hour=target.hour, minute=target.minute, ) elif precision == 14: # second precision return format_date( precision=precision, year=target.year, month=target.month,, hour=target.hour, minute=target.minute, second=target.second, ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid precision: {precision}") # No precision case: # return f"+{target.isoformat()}Z"
[docs] class TextQualifier(BaseModel): """A qualifier that points to a string literal.""" type: Literal["Text"] = "Text" predicate: str = _safe_field(regex=r"^[PQS]\d+$") target: str
[docs] def get_target(self) -> str: """Get the target text literal.""" return f'"{}"'
#: A union of the qualifier types Qualifier = Annotated[ Union[EntityQualifier, DateQualifier, TextQualifier], Field(discriminator="type") ]
[docs] class CreateLine(BaseModel): """A trivial model representing the CREATE line.""" type: Literal["Create"] = "Create"
[docs] def get_line(self, sep: str = "|") -> str: """Get the CREATE line.""" return "CREATE"
class BaseLine(BaseModel): """A shared model for entity and text lines.""" subject: str = _safe_field(regex=r"^(LAST)|(Q\d+)$") predicate: str = _safe_field( regex=rf"^(P\d+)|([ADL]({'|'.join(LANGUAGE_CODES)}))$", description="""\ The predicate can be one of two things: 1. A Wikidata predicate, which starts with an upper case letter P, followed by a sequence of digits 2. A combination of a single letter command code and an ISO639 language code. The single letter command codes can be: - ``L`` for label - ``A`` for alias (i.e., synonym) - ``D`` for description See Wikidata documentation at\ section=6#Adding_labels,_aliases,_descriptions_and_sitelinks To do: add support for sitelinks. """, ) qualifiers: List[Qualifier] = Field(default_factory=list) def get_target(self) -> str: """Get the target of the line.""" return def get_line(self, sep: str = "|") -> str: """Get the QuickStatement line as a string.""" parts = [self.subject, self.predicate, self.get_target()] for qualifier in self.qualifiers: parts.append(qualifier.predicate) parts.append(qualifier.get_target()) return sep.join(parts)
[docs] class EntityLine(BaseLine): """A line whose target is a string literal.""" type: Literal["Entity"] = "Entity" target: str = _safe_field(regex=r"^Q\d+$")
[docs] class TextLine(BaseLine): """A line whose target is a Wikidata entity.""" type: Literal["Text"] = "Text" target: str
[docs] def get_target(self) -> str: """Get the text literal line.""" return f'"{}"'
#: A union of the line types Line = Annotated[Union[CreateLine, EntityLine, TextLine], Field(discriminator="type")]
[docs] def render_lines(lines: Iterable[Line], sep: str = "|", newline: str = "||") -> str: """Prepare QuickStatements line objects for sending to the API.""" return newline.join(line.get_line(sep=sep) for line in lines)
[docs] def lines_to_url(lines: Iterable[Line]) -> str: """Prepare a URL for V1 of QuickStatements.""" quoted_qs = quote(render_lines(lines), safe="") return f"{quoted_qs}"
[docs] def lines_to_new_tab(lines: Iterable[Line]) -> bool: """Open a web browser on the host system. :param lines: QuickStatements lines :returns: If a web browser was successfully invoked (via :func:``) """ lines = list(lines) if not lines: return False return webbrowser.open_new_tab(lines_to_url(lines))
def _unpack_annotated(t) -> Sequence[Type]: return get_args(get_args(t)[0]) def write_json_schema(): """Write a JSON schema.""" import json import pydantic.schema schema = pydantic.schema.schema( [ *_unpack_annotated(Qualifier), *_unpack_annotated(Line), ], title="QuickStatements", description="A data model representing lines in Quickstatements", ) with open("schema.json", "w") as file: json.dump(schema, file, indent=2) if __name__ == "__main__": write_json_schema()